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Office Number: 01684 297167

Call: 0800 689 1793

Office Number: 01684 297167

Newton Farm Business Park

Ashchurch, Tewkesbury, Gloucester GL20 7BE

Discover the importance of thorough examinations of equipment:

Lifting operations are a vital part of industries such as construction, manufacturing, warehousing, and logistics. While these operations are critical for moving heavy loads efficiently, they also pose significant risks. The potential for accidents, equipment failure, and harm to workers is ever-present if proper safety protocols aren’t followed. One of the most effective ways to ensure safety during lifting operations is through the thorough examination of plant and accessories under the Lifting Operations and Lifting Equipment Regulations 1998 (LOLER).

LOLER places specific obligations on employers and duty holders to ensure that all lifting equipment and accessories are fit for purpose. This article will explore the importance of thorough examinations under LOLER, what a thorough examination certificate should include, when these checks should be carried out, and who is qualified to complete these examinations.

Understanding LOLER: A Legal Requirement for Safety

LOLER is a regulation under UK law that focuses on the safe use of lifting equipment. According to these regulations, lifting equipment must be:

  1. Strong and stable enough for the load;
  2. Positioned and installed correctly to minimise risks;
  3. Used safely by trained personnel; and
  4. Subject to regular thorough examinations by a competent person.

The core objective of LOLER is to prevent accidents by ensuring that lifting equipment and accessories are safe to use. It covers equipment such as Telehandlers, cranes, forklifts, hoists, and their associated accessories, including chains, slings, and shackles.

The Importance of Thorough Examination

The thorough examination of lifting equipment and accessories is crucial for several reasons:

  1. Ensuring Equipment Safety: The primary goal of thorough examinations is to identify any defects or weaknesses that could compromise the safety of the equipment. This prevents accidents caused by equipment failure.
  2. Legal Compliance: Thorough examinations under LOLER are a legal requirement. Failing to carry out regular checks can result in penalties, fines, and even criminal prosecution if an accident occurs due to negligence.
  3. Extending Equipment Lifespan: Regular inspections help identify wear and tear before it becomes critical, allowing for timely repairs or replacements. This prolongs the life of your equipment and accessories.
  4. Preventing Downtime: Equipment failure can lead to costly project delays. Regular thorough examinations reduce the risk of unexpected failures, keeping operations running smoothly.
  5. Worker Safety: Accidents involving lifting equipment can result in serious injuries or fatalities. Ensuring that equipment is safe to use reduces the risk of harm to workers.

What Should Be Included in a Thorough Examination Certificate?

When a thorough examination is conducted, a certificate or report must be issued. This document is essential for maintaining records and ensuring compliance with LOLER. The certificate should include the following key elements:

  1. Identification of Equipment: The certificate must clearly identify the equipment and any accessories examined, including serial numbers or other unique identifiers.
  2. Details of the Examination: The certificate should state the date of the examination and whether it is the first examination or a periodic one. It should also include details of the type of examination conducted (visual inspection, functional tests, etc.).
  3. Condition of the Equipment: The condition of the equipment and accessories should be documented, including any defects or issues found during the examination. If repairs or replacements are required, this must be clearly stated.
  4. Safe Working Load (SWL): The certificate should confirm the Safe Working Load (SWL) for the equipment, ensuring that it is fit for the loads it will carry.
  5. Date of the Next Examination: The certificate should include the date of the next scheduled examination. This ensures the equipment is monitored regularly according to LOLER’s requirements.
  6. Name and Competence of the Examiner: The person carrying out the thorough examination must be a competent person. Their name, qualifications, and contact details must be included in the certificate.
  7. Declaration of Safety: The examiner should declare whether the equipment is safe to use or if it requires any actions to be taken before it can be safely operated.

Frequency of Thorough Examinations: When Should They Be Carried Out?

Under LOLER, lifting equipment and accessories must be examined at specific intervals, which depend on how they are used and the level of risk involved in their operation.

1. Every 6 Months for Lifting Accessories

Accessories used in lifting operations, such as chains, slings, shackles, and hooks, must undergo a thorough examination at least every 6 months. These accessories are often exposed to significant wear and tear due to their critical role in securing loads, so more frequent inspections help ensure their reliability and safety.

2. Every 12 Months for Lifting Equipment

Lifting equipment, including cranes, forklifts, hoists, and other plant machinery, must be thoroughly examined at least every 12 months. However, if the equipment is used in conditions that subject it to higher levels of wear, more frequent examinations may be required. Most importantly is the examination of any man/woman carrying basket, these MUST be completed every 6 months regardless of it being the machine or chains.

3. After Exceptional Circumstances

In addition to regular intervals, LOLER requires a thorough examination to be carried out if any of the following occurs:

  • Major Repairs or Modifications: If significant repairs or modifications are made to the equipment, an examination must be conducted to ensure it is still safe to use.
  • Accidents or Near Misses: If the equipment is involved in an accident or near miss, it should be inspected to ensure no damage has been sustained.
  • Extended Periods of Inactivity: If the equipment has been unused for an extended period, it should be thoroughly examined before it is put back into operation.

By adhering to these guidelines, businesses can ensure that their equipment remains in good condition and safe for use.

Who Should Conduct a Thorough Examination?

A thorough examination must be carried out by a competent person, which is a key requirement under LOLER. A competent person is defined as someone with the necessary skills, knowledge, and experience to conduct an examination and make a valid judgment on the safety of the equipment. The individual should also be independent enough to ensure that the examination is unbiased and objective.

In many cases, employers may choose to hire third-party inspection services to carry out thorough examinations. This can provide an additional level of objectivity, as external inspectors are less likely to be influenced by internal pressures.

It’s essential to note that a competent person should have a combination of formal training, practical experience, and up-to-date knowledge of LOLER regulations. At Vally Plant Training, we offer training courses designed to equip individuals with the skills and knowledge necessary to conduct inspections of lifting equipment, helping to ensure compliance with LOLER and the safety of lifting operations.

The Role of Vally Plant Training

At Vally Plant Training, we provide comprehensive training that ensures your workforce is knowledgeable about LOLER and capable of conducting thorough examinations. Our courses cover the inspection, use, and maintenance of lifting equipment and accessories, as well as Slinger Signaller training, to ensure that lifting operations are carried out safely and efficiently.

We offer bespoke training programs that cater to your specific needs, whether you’re an employer looking to upskill your team or an individual seeking to improve your qualifications in plant and machinery operation.

For more information about our LOLER training and inspection courses, contact us:


Thorough examinations of plant and lifting accessories are not just a legal requirement under LOLER; they are essential for ensuring the safety of workers, the longevity of equipment, and the smooth operation of lifting tasks. By adhering to regular inspection schedules, employing competent examiners, and maintaining accurate records, businesses can protect their workforce, avoid legal penalties, and prevent costly downtime.

For expert guidance and training in lifting operations, inspections, and LOLER compliance, Vally Plant Training is your go-to resource.